
This conference has been published as:
“Capital and Justice”

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I. Finance, investment, production and employment

  1. Global business models and labor challenges
    Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi
  2. The tendency of effective demand to lag behind the supply of full employment
    Arturo Hermann
  3. Late Marx and the Conception of ‘Accumulation of Capital’
    Paul Zarembka
  4. Money: a social contract or an “invisible hand” of inverted totalitarianism?
    Raymond Aitken

II Global trends: economic dynamics and sovereignty

  1. Global Dynamic Efficiency (Towards a Long-Term Strategy)
    Stephen I. Ternyik
  2. Monopoly Capital and Growth
    Kieran Crilly
  3. Capital, Nationality, and State Sovereignty: New Links for the 21st Century
    Marc Morgan-Milá
  4. The Other Half of Macroeconomics and Three Stages of Economic Development
    Richard C. Koo
  5. Identifying the determinants of secular stagnation after the Great Recession: Learning from Hansen´s historical approaches and Harrod´s model along 1938-1952.
    Adrián de León-Arias

III. Working conditions and social problems: challenges and perspectives

  1. Employment in a Just Economy
    John Komlos
  2. Economic Solutions for the Social Problems of Mass Migration, Persistent Alienation and Wanton Terrorism
    Steven H. Kim
  3. Can We Bend the Arc of Global Capital toward Justice by Investment in Human Capital?
    Arnold Packer
  4. The Role of Human Capital Resource in the East African Economic Growth
    Worku R. Urgaia
  5. Evolving Wealth Inequality in Kerala: Mapping the Winners and Losers
    C.R. Yadu and Satheesha B

IV. Economics and democracy

  1. Real World Non-Equilibrating Supply and Demand Theory
    Gerson P. Lima
  2. Economic power, employment and economic theory
    Rubens R. Sawaya
  3. Elite appropriation of economics – the case for (r)evolutionary political economy
    Deniz Kellecioglu
  4. The British Labour Party and the ‘New Economics’
    Lyn Eynon