Capital and Justice

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The book Capital and Justice calls for a deep examination of current power, politics and economics in a social context where democratic institutions are being threatened. The contributions discuss the various aspects of global accumulation, production and employment from a broader perspective in order to examine their interlinkages with other economic, social, and political processes. Indeed, concerns with social inclusion extend well beyond the purely economic account of justice and fairness, since the degree of economic inequality also affects social cohesion and political stability, and can also have negative implications for economic growth and democratic institutions.

The book focuses on the theoretical analysis and empirical discussions about the contemporary relations among the inflated financial markets, the low investment trends and the changes in the patterns of production and employment. In this respect, there were three groups of contributions that aim to think and build a just economy. The first group (Koo; Hermann; Madi) presents the main features of global economic dynamics. The second (Yadu and Satheesha; Eynon) analyses the urgent social challenges and the trends in political strategies. Finally, the third group (Komlos; Lima; Morgan-Milá) challenges conventional mainstream viewpoints and highlight the foundations of an alternative political economy paradigm.

The editors, Gerson P. Lima and Maria Alejandra Madi, hope the book will stimulate further debate among students, professional economists and social scientists – whether academics or not – on how to progress towards rethinking the relations between economics, justice and democracy, that is, between economics and politics.

Posted for comments on 4 Sep 2017, 1:28 pm.

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