Conference Leaders

This conference has been published as:
“Capital and Justice”

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Gerson P. Lima

PhD in Economic Theory, University of Paris (1992).  His academic career included professorships at the National University of Brasília, the Federal University  of  Paraná   and some private colleges. Other academic activities were related to the participation at the Board of Counsellors of the Federal University of Paraná, the Specialists Committee of the Brazilian Education Ministry, and the Brazilian   National Association of Post Graduate Courses in Economics.  After having served for more than 20   years as an economist at state institutions and private companies, he currently manages research and consulting projects. Among his publications are the heterodox textbook Economics, Money, and Political Power (in Portuguese), conference papers and book chapters in the WEA eBooks.

Jack Reardon

Jack Reardon teaches economics in the School of Business at the Hamline University. He is the founding editor of the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. His research interests include economics education, energy and the environment, and labour economics. He has published in a wide variety of journals including the Journal of Economic Issues, Monthly Labor Review and International Journal of Green Economics. He has published A Handbook for Pluralist Economics Education (Routledge) and The Economics Curriculum: Towards a Radical Reformulation (World Economics Association Books). He is a currently finishing a principles of economics textbook for Pluto Press.