General comments

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Recent comments



  • Stephen I. Ternyik says:

    Would like to express my special (!) thanks to Gerson and Jack for leading the Capital2016 conference on economic growth and distributive justice; hope we can transform the wealth of scientific arguments into practical economics, i.e. into working tools for bending the arc of economic productivity toward a fairer distribution of human living chances.

    • capital2016 says:

      On behalf of Maria Alejandra Madi, Chair of WEA Conferences, I thank you very much for your kind words.

      Gerson Lima

  • Stephen I. Ternyik says:

    A great thanks to Maria Alejandra Madi !

  • Arturo Hermann says:

    Dear organizers and colleagues, it would be interesting to get an edited book from our contributions.

    • capital2016 says:

      Dear Dr. Arturo Hermann
      Thank you for your suggestion.
      In fact, the book you propose is already anticipated in the WEA Conference Guidelines:
      “The conference leaders may also want to consider the publication of an edited volume of all or selected papers from the conference following consultation with the authors. In collaboration with College Publications ( the WEA has recently developed a book series. At this stage the books tend to be edited collections which include the most appropriate papers from a conference”.

      WEA Conference Leader
      Gerson Lima

  • Stephen I. Ternyik says:

    Economists will play a decisive role in the global integration of humanity; JM Keynes opined that economic ideas are more powerful than material interests, concerning the course of human civilization. Conferences, like this one, can help us to better formulate and sort out economic ideas, i.e. to elaborate a more humanistic economy of fair social relationships. Many thanks for this event and good luck*** to all participants, especially (!) to the organizers Prof.Lima and Prof. Madi !